Meridian of Music and Culture
For close to a century now, U Street corridor has been the social and cultural heart of Meridian Hill and its surrounding neighborhoods. Today, the area continues to draw both visitors and residents with its vibrant atmosphere, entertainment, and prime location.
From its early development, the neighborhood was eclectic and diverse, with working-class African Americans living alongside Jewish, Irish, and German immigrants. It wasn't until the early 20th century that the area transitioned into a predominantly African American community. In 1880, residents were mostly white, arriving from Germany, Ireland, and other European countries as well as the American South. But by 1900, residents were almost all African American, indicative of the growing segregation during the Jim Crow era.
The oppressive Jim Crow laws led to DC’s Black Renaissance on U Street, once referred to as Black Broadway, as many black Americans opened up their own bars, restaurants and clubs. To explore the historic sites of Black Broadway, check out the National Trust of Historic Preservation.
Republic Theater at 13th and Ust. It was demolished to build the Metro Station
Since founding the oldest Black YMCA in the United States in 1791, Anthony Bowen helped define this area as pivotal role in the growth of Washington, D.C. Many chose to settle here due to its relatively inclusive nature and the abundance of jobs, schools, and opportunities compared to other parts of the nation. The 12th Street YMCA now serves the community at the corner of 14th and W Streets, N.W.
Twelfth Street YMCA Building, 1816 Twelfth Street Northwest, DC, LOC
Many African Americans also relocated to the area for Howard University, which expanded from a single building in 1867 to over 89 acres. A major city-wide public works project, initiated in 1871, improved the city’s infrastructure by paving streets, planting trees, and installing water and sewer lines. Howard University was a key advocate for ensuring that the needs of the neighborhood—such as public schools and education—were met. After the Civil War ended in 1865, public streetcars along 14th Street made the area more accessible.
Howard University, Main Building