
Nectarine Sale, 14th & U Farmers Market, Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013, 9am-1pm

NectarinesFrom the MHNA listserv: If you like nectarines, you will be in heaven because Kuhn is running a HUGE sale on their red-gold nectarines (my personal favorites). ½ bushel box (about 25 pounds) for 25 dollars, about $1 a pound. Make jam, make nectarine cobblers, have a gazpacho party and top each serving with heaps of nectarine cubes, make tomato-nectarine salad…split the box with friends. Please place your order by calling the office: 717-334-2722.

Other sales: cherry tomatoes, seedless grapes, blackberry/raspberry mixes.

Also email Garner if you want a 25 pound box of sauce tomatoes for 15 (seconds), 20 (firsts) Bernard Boyle wbboylejr AT gmail dot com

GazpachoNEW and unusual: Fresh young baby ginger – hardly any skin and not a bit of fiber, this is what ginger should be. You do not have to mash it to break up the fibers before cooking or matchstick it into minute pieces. Mountain View Organics.

Sweet Potatoes. Lots of green, yellow, wax, purple, lima beans. Yellow sweet corn. Potatoes. Pickling cucumbers, Armenian cukes, straight 8 cukes. 12 kinds of summer squash, many different eggplants, 25 different heirloom tomatoes, a dozen different cherry and field tomatoes. Peppers in all hues and heat. Okra. Leeks, shallots, garlic, Red Zeppelin and Cippolini Onions. Flowers and herbs.

ArugulaSalad Greens. Arugula. Chard, Kale, head lettuce. Spinach.

Figs. Yellow and white peaches, Plums and Pluots. Honeycrisp, Gingergold, Kid Size Gala, Elstar, Pink Pearl, Zestar, Blondee, Smokeehouse and McIntosh Appless. Asian and Bartlett pears. Strawberries, red and golden raspberries, blackberries, seedless and seeded grapes, honey, dried apples, freshly pressed cider, Watermelons. Cantaloupes.

Goat Cheese, Traditionally fermented Pickles, Kimchi, Krauts. Whisked Pies, Quiches and Cookies. Apple Blackberry, Nectarine Ginger pies, Caramelized Onion and Goat Cheese Quiche, Corn, Cheddar and Jalapeno quiche. Salty Oatrs and Pretzel Cowboy Cookies. Baguettes, croissants, muffins, scones, Breton pastries, whole wheat, whole grain, rye, sourdoughs, sandwich loaves.

Pastured Pork, Grass fed and finished beef, rabbit, goat, lamb, duck, turkey, eggs and duck eggs.

Pansies. Asters, Ivy, Succulents. Salad mix cutting containers. Zinnias, dahlias, hydrangeas, sunflowers, marigold, gloriosa daisies, tuberoses and celosia.

WE match with BONUS Dollars SNAP food stamps, WIC and SENIOR FMNP, WIC CVC, SENIOR PRODUCE PLUS. Martha’s Table is our gleaning partner.

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